Atheist Census Canada
Be Counted!
Step One: Registration

An initiative of Atheist Freethinkers

Recensement athée en français

Who We Are

We are atheists. Critical thought and science lead us to the conclusion that gods, demons, reincarnation, the immortal soul and other supernatural beliefs are childish fictions. We value reason, knowledge and the material, intellectual and moral advancement of humanity. Our philosophy is materialist: there is no soul associated with the body, and as for the mind or intellect it too is material because based on neuronal processes. We are moral beings, constantly evolving and responsible for ourselves, as is the humanity to which we belong. We promote secularism and reject any religious involvement in civil institutions.

Use the following form to be counted anonymously as an atheist in Canada. If you are ready to come out of the closet as an atheist, you are also invited to sign our Atheist Manifesto!

This Atheist Census is for residents of Canada only. (First launched in Quebec, this Census now extends to all of Canada.) Whether or not you participate in this census, you are strongly encouraged to participate also in the Atheist Census sponsored by Atheist Alliance International (AAI). Our LPA-AFT census is independent of AAI's. The data are not linked.

I am an atheist!   View the results so far
Age | Gender | Education | Province | All
I was born in:
My gender is:
My completed education level is:
First three characters of my postal code:
(To ensure your confidentiality, we require only the first half of your postal code, of the form letter digit letter.)
My email Address:
(Your email address is necessary in order to confirm your participation in the census. You will receive an email message from us for that purpose. Your email address is strictly confidential. Only the one-way-encrypted address is stored in our database.)

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